Sunday, 4 December 2016

Great day for a ride.

Since I started thinking and planning my ride, it's been great joining up with various Facebook groups to ask questions and read about other cyclists travels. There are so many questions in my head about routes, camping, safety and security. To be able to talk to other people, especially women about the trip has been very reassuring and makes me realise for a first bike tour, this route is an excellent one to do. I have to say a thankyou to Colleen, she has been so helpful with all my questions!

I read in one of the Facebook groups about an organization called Warmshowers so I joined and now host touring cyclists. So far we have had 2 couples stay with us...a french couple and a kiwi couple. It has been great hearing about their bike touring adventures and gaining a lot of good hints and tips for my upcoming trip. I know that when I start my tour I will be looking up some Warmshower hosts to stay with. Its a good reciprocal system.

Five months seems a long time until I head off, but I'm sure it will fly by so I need to make sure I'm fit enough to ride day after day. I also need to do more road riding to get use to traffic whizzing by, so Birdy is now kitted out with a rear vision mirror and front and back lights. I should have gotten a mirror a long time ago, its great!!!

Yesterday was the perfect day for a good ride...the weather was absolutely ideal, not a breath of wind and a little bit cloudy. I didn't realise how many hills I would have to climb though, but its all good practice.

Not a bad spot for lunch.

Birdy looking smart with her new mirror.

Chatting with the locals.

One of the many hills.

" And at the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair messy, and your eyes sparkling."

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